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Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2021- Best 8 Ways for Your E-store

Written by Kanika | Nov 28, 2021 6:30:00 PM

The holidays are almost approaching, and you are not alone in thinking about them. *cough*

And it the time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021!

For most e-commerce retailers, the holiday season is the busiest period of the year. One of the most distinctive characteristics of the holiday season is that it brings customers and businesses together. As shoppers hunt for excellent discounts(who doesn't love those), their anticipation and enthusiasm are at an all-time high.

People enjoy shopping, and businesses see it as an opportunity to boost their profit margins. In other words, holiday celebrations are a win-win situation for both parties also with custom web application development companies you can elevate your brands to gain new customers as well. 

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have long been two of the big days in the e-commerce calendar, with customers spending a staggering $34.4 billion during Cyber Week in 2020, up 20.7% from 2019.

Because of the lingering ambiguity and difficulty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, small companies may be unsure how much stock (literally) to put into cyber week this year. This season, e-commerce is expected to expand on its massive growth of 25.7 percent of total sales in 2020, with a projected gain of 16.8 percent.

What's the best way to get a greater slice of that $4.9 trillion pie? 

However, simply offering a percentage discount and hoping for the best is no longer enough. As everyone tries for a piece of the holiday pie, competition for customer attention will be fierce.

It's up to you to figure out how to set yourself apart from the crowd.

So, it's time to bring out the big guns — that is it's time for smart segmentation and sophisticated marketing optimization and automation for business owners.

So, before you go back to your old marketing techniques that may or may not have worked in the past, learn how to maximize your Shopify marketing, Google marketing, and Facebook Ads to attract new customers and maintain in touch with existing ones.

What do you think is the sole purpose of any online store in e-commerce?

(Think, Think!)

It is to sell, sell, sell. Thus, your design must be centered on increasing e-commerce conversions for your customers. It is your best opportunity to increase sales, acquire new subscribers to your mailing list, and generate genuine excitement about your company.

The holiday season is a terrific time to not only generate quick money via e-commerce conversions but also to capitalize on the opportunity to build and retain a large customer base.

We'll teach you how to get your e-commerce store ready for this holiday season that could be your's busiest day yet.

8 Ways to Boost E-commerce Conversions in Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021 

1. Get Your Store Ready

First and foremost to boost your e-commerce conversions is your store must be fully operational and ready to handle an influx of customers.

Nothing is more frustrating than spending all of your efforts into marketing and bringing an influx of interested newcomers to your business, only to lose them due to a lack of sufficient preparation.

Check the following list to make sure everything is in functioning order:

Make Your Sign-Up Forms and Landing Pages More Effective

The holiday season is about more than just shopping. You might look at holiday business ideas that take advantage of the increased traffic to your store in the long run by signing up as many new customers as possible. Make sure that all of your social media and other advertising points to a specific landing page where people can sign up. 

Checkout and Product Pages are being tested

There are a few things you need to get right. Take a look at your product pages to see if your discounted prices are still current. Ensure that your design is clear, consistent, and simple to navigate.

Customers will be spoilt for choice and have a limited amount of time on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021, so they won't think twice about leaving you hanging at the checkout.

Investing some time in improving your checkout process may pay off in the long run. Make certain there aren't any extra processes or hassles.

If possible provide other payment gateways, such as PayPal. The more strings you add to your e-commerce store, the more options you give your clients to pay you their money for your e-commerce business.

Furthermore, tying shopping carts to accounts ensures that your clients' orders are not lost if they switch devices, and you avoid losing nearly a third of your revenue.

It's a win-win situation!

Check to See if You Have Enough Stock

Over the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend, email marketing conversion rates are at their peak.

When individuals are in the mood to buy, they are more inclined to make impulse purchases, so make it as simple as possible for them to do so. Stock up on all of your goods, especially your best-sellers, to ensure that you don't miss out on sales by selling out too soon.

2. Optimize your Search and Products

Use the immense data available around you (not literally, but yes, on the internet). Optimize your product and services giving the customers a highly personalized experience to boost sales and retain them even after the holiday season. 

"Because Placing things on your website and hoping for a sale is like fishing without bait!"

We need to consider what would fascinate or delight them. In the end, you would want to bring customers back for repeat e-commerce business when the slow month of January arrives.

So what can you do is: 

  1. Create a product timetable to establish when and how much a product will cost when it goes on sale. 
  2. Rather than playing catch-up, get ahead of the game and make little adjustments rather than invent something up on the fly.
  3. Page travel tracker is available in website builders like Shopify. Page journey tracking tracks a user's journey through your website using their pointer. This information might assist you in gathering precise information on what is working and what needs to be improved on your site. 
  4. Use Google trends for Keywords. Include those in the product description and boost your SEO. 
  5. Using this vital consumer data to optimize your Shopify marketing before the holiday season is a terrific way to get ahead of the game.
  6. In the product descriptions, make a special note of Black Friday and Cyber Monday to emphasize their importance to the shopper.
  7. Your product descriptions should elicit a sense of urgency in the reader. Remind customers that they only have a limited time to take advantage of the deals by using terms like:
  • Only a few left 
  • Limited Period offer
  • High in Demand 
  • Soon to be sold out

3. Make your brand stand out 

We don't need to inform you that the battle for the dollar of online shoppers is fiercer than ever. This year, 40% of customers spent more time online than in any previous year, indicating that the internet has recently gotten more busy than usual. 

So you must give your brand every opportunity to stand out. 

What will your brand offer this holiday season to set you apart and attract customers?

Shoppers on Black Friday and Cyber Monday are looking for bargains. Like, Obviously! 

The more inventive you are with discounts, the better. Let your creativity run wild!

How you Design a Product Page for your e-commerce site will have a great effect on the e-commerce conversion. 

You could, for example:

  1. Offer a freebie in exchange for a purchase: Extend your Thanksgiving kindness by giving customers something to remember you by the next time they go on to shop because everyone likes freebies.

2. Run a holiday-themed campaign such as a contest or a giveaway:  Get people interested in your brand's community, and capitalize on the holiday mood to create buzz. 

Want to know a secret to get a large number of fresh leads into your funnel. Shh!

You may also employ a chatbot to give coupons or offers to people who enter but do not win. 

3. Customize the packaging for your goods: Make packaging using your favorite colors, styles, and text to make your consumers happy and festive. 

4. Email campaigns are so common over the holidays: The idea is to craft a straightforward message with a clear call to action. Also, don't be afraid to go creative; customers love seeing something new in their inbox!

4. Streamline User Shopping Experience 

The first thing you should do is make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Checking that your website's layout works effectively on different screen sizes without sacrificing UX should be a top focus. Making sure all of your content is mobile-friendly not only helps you increase sales but also helps Google's new Core Web Vitals rollout decide your store's search engine rating. The quicker a customer can find the ideal present on your website, the better. 

Help them find what they're looking for in whatever way you can! When a customer visit your store's site, they should know exactly where they should go.

  • Consider creating separate Black Friday and Cyber Monday pages to indicate where your clients should go to get the best bargains. At the end of the day, you want your customers to be able to get your discounted items with as few clicks as possible.
  • Discounts should be prominently shown on the site.
  • Add a countdown banner — a timer counting down to Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be a great way to get people excited.
  • Use Card design- Card-based design is a clever design philosophy that you've undoubtedly seen most of on Pinterest, but it's been gaining ground on other websites in recent years.

It's time for another Secret Tip for your e-commerce business: Shoppers are ruthless on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. (This is no secret!)

Big, colorful product photographs and homepage banner images make your site appear wonderful, but they can slow down loading times and harm your conversion rate. Many customers will vote with their feet and dismiss the tab if your store is even slightly slow to load.

Secret solution? Use an image optimizer.

Easy right, but it's a must.

The opportunity to please and impress clients does not end when they make a purchase. It's especially crucial at this time of year to ensure that everything goes properly after the purchase. First and foremost, have an organized system. Use tools to keep track of your orders and ensure that they are packaged and dispatched on time. Second, when a person has made a purchase, keep them updated at all times.

5. Share holiday-themed UGC via Social Media

People spend 90 percent more time on websites with user-generated content galleries (UGC). To build enthusiasm, start spreading the advertisement at least a few days ahead of time. Make this article more appealing by adding a seasonal twist. Then, to enhance conversions, effortlessly show the UGC on your website. Testimonials, images, and videos could all be examples of user-generated content for your company.

Keep an eye out for Black Friday and Cyber Monday hashtags that you can use.

You can also integrate your store with Facebook or Twitter by using the social media plug-ins available from e-commerce website builders. Facebook is the most successful medium for driving traffic to your site and generating sales, according to our research of e-commerce companies.

6. Check-in with Your Shipping Providers & Costs

You should double-check with your shipping providers that everything is in order. Make sure they'll be able to manage any more orders you may have.

Examine whether they provide delivery options that are comparable to or better than those offered by your competitors. Such as same-day delivery and international shipment. 

Also, ensure that you and your clients are getting the finest bargain possible. Free shipping will be expected by many Black Friday and Cyber Monday consumers. You must measure the expense of free shipping against the discount you are providing. 

Surprisingly, many buyers would rather have free shipping worth $6 than a $10 bargain. Thus, lower shipping costs alone can significantly reduce the number of abandoned carts.

7. Provide standout customer service & get your FAQs Ready. 

You could feel like a small fish in a huge pond with Walmart and Amazon dominating sales. But not this Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021.

You just got leverage!

Providing personalized and high-quality customer service is one approach to accomplish this. Write a detailed FAQs section for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021 if you haven't already. Make sure you address important questions like-

  1. Will this item arrive in time for Christmas?
  2. What is your policy on returns?
  3. How long is your sale going to last?
  4. What is the estimated time of delivery?

Answer all of the Christmas season's FAQs and make them widely available.

You should also include them in your chatbot, in addition to displaying them on your website. Plus, your bot will be there to assist them 24*7. 

8. Optimize for conversational technology

If you haven't yet used conversational technology in your e-commerce strategy, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the ideal time to do so.

From voice search (assistant) technologies to chatbots and boxes, conversational commerce includes it all. Each can be utilized to improve customer service while also providing an additional channel for matching customers with fresh promotions and upselling related products.

When prompted, Alexa and Siri, for example, report all of the top Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021 deals. 

You can use and optimize voice search in a variety of ways.

We propose adding a chatbot to your website at the very least to provide customers with a higher level of service, develop stronger relationships, and ultimately drive sales.

Also, make sure to update your website to improve customer service and test your site's load capacity. You also need to double-check the security of your online store.

Make this the happiest time of year for your e-Stores

If you put these holiday recommendations into action for your e-commerce store, you'll see more than simply a seasonal sales spike. Use these tools and ideas to improve your store's overall customer experience.

However, there are no hard and fast rules for your business, just go with your best judgment.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021 are the most popular shopping days of the year, and as a result, they are extremely competitive.

If you're a small online store with limited resources, standing out can feel impossible. 

You can ride the Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021 wave and make it the most enjoyable and memorable day for you, if you ask yourself the proper questions and take the correct measures.

To establish client loyalty, make shopping with your store simple, pleasurable, and memorable, and you'll be setting yourself up for repeat business in the new year.

Use the tactics listed above, or a mix of them, to produce more traffic with a higher conversion rate.

Our Software development company offers the resources you need to launch a successful Holiday Season e-commerce marketing campaign and strategies this year, no matter how big or small your company is. With the use of chatbots, voice search and other smart futuristic solutions optimize your store in the best way possible. 

Contact us and let's collaborate. Feel free to schedule a discovery call with one of our experts today and boost your e-commerce conversion this festive season!